Buy KSG Compact. Certainly, finish up the short-barrel shotgun administrative work… and afterward take this lil’ fellow home while you hang tight for that duty stamp to come in. Or on the other hand, simply let the 18.5″ barrel be and partake in every one of the advantages of a SBS without the fight. It actually holds 4+4+1 or 5+5+1 of 12ga relying upon your decision of shell size. It’s minimal, highlights an implicit foregrip that houses a 450 lumen KeltTec light with fleeting switch and Picatinny style rail up top for mounting your beloved optic.
Bullpup Design
You get extra capacity and standard velocity in a shotgun that measures from slightly shorter to drastically shorter in length than most tactical shotguns on the market. This is the advantage of the bullpup design that we love so much. We changed it up a bit though, our bullpup shotguns load and eject from the bottom and that’s how you spell ambidextrous.
For well over a hundred years, pump-action shotguns have stood the test of time because of their proven reliability. Eliminating variables such as gas systems is particularly important when dealing with the vast variety of shotgun loads on the market. Pump-action puts the reliability in the hands of the user.
Short in appearance and feel, the KSG hides its stout capacity and versatility very well. Boasting not one, but two magazine tubes that hold an incredible amount of shells, this pump-action 12ga gives you lots of options. The manual selector lever allows for either the world’s fastest reload, or ammunition change on the fly.
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